The moon is pretty full tonight, the Willy Wag Tail is singing through the night, and now the Mopoke is calling too.
Baby Sheep showing his best side – for any newcomers, Baby Sheep is his name, not his description , he’s a Merino wether, 3 years old now. He was bottle fed as a poddy, along with a few other lambs, but when they were all weaned, the others reverted to being big paddock sheep, while he decided to remain as a house paddock sheep. He used to come walking with me and the dogs, but he’s given up such rash behaviour to look after his figure (his figure is rotund!), and at the moment he has Mad Maud for company (which just means she hangs around with him and he mostly ignores her now, instead of half-heartedly bashing her up with his head), and occasionally Ebony the goat (he bunts her if she annoys him).
The evening sky tonight, plus a couple of old favourites of Baby Sheep from 2 years ago, when he was a) rather more energetic, and b) thought that he could just throw himself at a small hole in the garden gate and make it big enough….he couldn’t.